Elliott Wave Analysis of Crude Oil – 2 Nov 2011

Elliott Wave Analysis works very nicely in commodities. There is a lot of money to be made if you can apply the techniques you learnt in Five Waves to Financial Freedom. Trouble is, even if you learn the methods, you need to have the capital and the stomach to pull...

Elliott Wave Analysis of Natural Gas Nymex

About ten days ago I posted an hourly chart of NYMEX Natural Gas, and suggested that perhaps we were unfolding in a diagonal triangle. I also went out of the way to suggest that it was unlikely that we were in the middle of a ‘third of a third’ wave because typically...

Elliott Wave analysis of Natural Gas NYMEX

Natural Gas has become the subject of some discussion in recent days as some players are getting ready for a potential ‘third wave within a third wave’ kind of a move. Naturally, getting on board such a move will be very profitable, because ELLIOTT WAVE Principle...

Elliott Wave analysis of Copper

“The finest workers in stone are not copper or steel tools, but the gentle touches of air and water working at their leisure with a liberal allowance of time.” – Henry David Thoreau I can amend the above quote a little and say “The finest workers in Elliott Wave...

Elliott Wave Analysis of Gold after sharp downmove

The sharp move down has all the characteristics of a move that starts after completing an extended fifth wave. Our target should be wave ii of the extended fifth, which lies at 1478. Having come down to 1626, the 23.6% retracement level of the whole five wave rally,...

Elliott Wave Analysis of Crude Oil

A lot can happen in three weeks! In the Elliott Wave Analysis of Crude Oil posted on 15th August, we anticipated that the price will rise to around 88.10-89.50 and then decline. We had the $71 level in mind, (quite greedily I would say because Oil did come pretty...