Using Elliott Waves to Capture a Trade in S&P500

Elliott Waves enabled us to capture a nice little trade in S&P500 index in the last few days. On the 23rd of January, 2022, I emailed members of the WaveTimes exclusive club the following message “With the markets all jittery about the likely interest rate hikes...

Hedge Funds and Elliott Waves – Netflix $NFLX

Hedge Funds are, by defiinition, smart money! And do they use Elliott Waves? Take the case of Netflix. The popular HedgeMind website had reported on 21August 2021 that Netflix was the #1 buy of Hedge Fund manager Stanley Druckenmiller. On that day, Netflix had closed...

A soft quarter for TCS — Avoid or add?

I saw a catchy headline on that read “A soft quarter for TCS — Avoid or add?”  It has always been my recommendation that we should be guided by these kinds of interesting articles to the extent they draw our attention to something we might have...