Elliott Wave Analysis of Shanghai Stock Index

In order to be successful in our investment activity, we should spend the required time to analyze the stock/index/commodity etc that we want to invest in. Once you identify what you are interested in, the next thing to do is to figure out what is a good price to get...

Elliott Wave outlook for Russian Stock Market Index

Elliott Wave analysis can be applied to just about any well traded market. In this post, we shall discuss the outlook for Russian stock market using their benchmark index. We start our Elliott Wave labeling from the significant low of 494 posted back in October 2008...

Looks like Indian stock market rally is fading: NSE India

The Indian stock market rally in 2012 caught many players by surprise. Towards the end of last year, India ranked as one of the worst performers in Asia, but in a few short weeks, everything had changed. The rally in NSE India from the 4531 low has already covered...

Elliott Wave Analysis of Saudi Arabia’s TASI Index

Saudi Arabia’s TASI indexMy last Elliott Wave analysis of Saudi Arabia’s TASI index was back in July 2011, and a lot has happened since then. The index has powered ahead from a low of 5795 posted in August 2011 to the current level of 6780, a handsome 17% gain....

Elliott Wave Analysis of S&P 500

The current rally in the S&P500 index looks powerful, and this should make people wonder about the medim term outlook for the US stock market. Readers might remember my post of 16 December 2011 where I suggested that we will probably see one strong rally in the...

The Practice of Elliott Wave Analysis

I have been receiving several messages from traders who seem to have fallen prey to the age old impulse of selling into a rally, when everything we know tells us to be patient to buy the dip. The fact that the dip did not materialize should not be the excuse to sell!...