Elliott Wave analysis of Raw Sugar

Raw sugar trading at 3-1/2 year lows and traders are panicking. Technically driven selling and stop loss orders have been driving this soft commodity lower and lower since peaking in 2011 at a 30-year high. Can Elliott Wave analysis help the particpants in this...

Elliott Wave Analysis of Gold

Ramki’s Elliott Wave Analysis of Gold has been posted in MarketWatch, a Wall Street Journal publication Here is the link again: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/gold-plunge-offers-up-short-term-trades-2013-04-16

Monitoring a position after execution

As regular readers know, all wave counts are work-in-progress. I identified 32.55 as a low-risk buy in Silver before it happened with the count that an extended 5th wave was highly likely to finish there. Sure enough, we got a smart rally to 33.10. It was possible to...

Elliott Wave Analysis of Silver – update

My detailed Elliott Wave analysis of Silver was posted via a video on You Tube on 8th October. That analysis is typical of how a general update in this blog appears. The aim is to teach people how to approach the market. The same goes for my comments on Forbes,...

Elliott Wave Analysis of Gold – September 2012

It is a while since I posted Elliott Wave Analysis of Gold. Septerber 2012 has started off with a a sharp rally in this precious metal and there have been persistent requests for an update. Lets look at the charts and see what clues we might get. I frequently go back...