FOMC triggers spurt in Gold price

Yesterday I had posted a short term chart in Forbes suggesting a possible correction to 1625 area. However, from just below 1650 we saw a massive rally spurred by the FOMC statement. Of course, any shorts should have been stopped out at 1665 or close to that as...

Trading Gold can be made easy

Hah! So you really think trading gold can be made easy? It certainly does look so with hind sight, as the following charts reveal. But honestly, if you learn some Elliott Wave analysis, you could have captured at least some of this move. Of course, just like trading...

Elliott Wave update on Crude Oil 12 Dec 2011

Crude Oil charts are showing tentative signs of fatigue after the run up from $74.95 to $103.37, a move of almost 38%. I am anticipating a correction back to around the $91 levels, but we need to be patient as there will likely be one more attempt higher first. Crude...

Elliott Wave Comments on Gold outlook

In my 29 November Elliott Wave commentary on Gold, I suggested that Gold would probably need to come down a bit before rallying. The reason was I was looking for a much sharper recovery than what I was seeing. However, the markets just fooled me. Sure it did come off...

Elliott Wave Commentary on Gold 29 Nov 2011

A few days ago, in my Elliott Wave commentary on Gold, I wrote that we will get a move down to 1662, but that I would be happy to cover shorts just ahead of that level. The reason was there existed a possibility of a sharp rally. But the price action we are seeing is...

Elliott Wave update on Gold 21 Nov 2011

Elliott wave analysis of Gold suggests that the recovery from 1534 to 1803 has fulfilled at least one part of the required correction. When we last considered this commodity back in September 2011, we were suggesting that it made sense to consider going long from...