medium term outlook for gold

Here is my medium term outlook for Gold. After having overshot the minimum target of 1161 handsomely and reached a high of 1226, gold has experienced a bout of profit taking. In the medium term, the outlook for gold calls for a final push higher before a serious...

Gold reaches record highs and first objective

Almost a month back, I wrote in these pages that Gold will stay bid until it reaches at least 1069, and if sentiment remains strong, we could even see 1161. At that time, the precious metal was trading at 1016. Today, Gold has reached a record high and met that first...

Gold Shines

Every now and then I run into these situations when I have to revise my analysis of several instruments at the same time. The simple fact is NO ONE can forecast the markets. What one can do is to determine with a reasonable degree of confidence about the likelihoodof...

Gold posts head and shoulders top: 14 June 2009

Gold posts head and shoulders top Gold has closed below the neckline of what looks like a nice head and shoulders top. The neckline itself lies at 944, and will become a major resistance if the metal continues to slide towards its first target around 900. Readers will...

Is Gold ready to collapse? 7 June 2009

Gold is showing signs of fatigue Has Gold completed its 2nd retracement that often follows a fifth wave extension? This is an important question because if Gold has indeed finished its upmove, what should follow is a significant down move that could reach 650, or...

Elliott Wave Analysis of Gold

Many of you are aware that I have been looking for a serious downmove in Gold, but only AFTER a second retracement of the move that followed the initial sell off at the end of an extended fifth wave. We are currently still in that second retracement. I would urge...