NSEI update 30 Oct 2011

No matter how good your analysis your fate depends on your data! Occasionally, you might think your data is wrong, when it is indeed correct, and suffer a fate that is just as bad. I think (still not sure) I am in the latter camp as far as NSEI is concerned. As I...

Elliott Wave Analysis of India’s NSEI

I have been receiving a steady stream of requests for an update on India’s main Stock Index. So I am presenting several charts that should guide readers in the near term. Please share with your friends and invite them to the club! Elliott Wave Analysis of India’s NSEI...

Elliott Wave Update for the Dow

Exactly a month back, on 18th August, when we discussed the Elliott Wave outlook for the Dow Jones Industrial Average, we identified 11725 as a key level. The index topped out at 11712 and came off by over 7%. However, we are witnessing yet another recovery in this...