Is Cable ready to turn down again?

We have come a long way in the Pound. Is the Sterling going to turn down at all? From an Elliott Wave perspective, I still think Cable is going to come off once ALL the remaining stops are done. This should happen pretty soon. The diagonal triangle that you see in the...

Elliot Wave Analysis of GBP/JPY

The Sterling Yen cross has been a big mover in recent weeks, because not only the Pound got thrashed, but the Yen also strengthened simultaneously. Naturally, traders hop on board any trend that is clear! Here is you chart on Sterling Yen (GBP/JPY) with Elliot wave...

Sterling chops my neck

I have been looking for Sterling to find support around 1.5850 because that area (as marked in this chart) was respected several times in the past 20 years. But today is a different story. Incredible as it seems, we were at 1.75 just 4 days back, and today’s low was...

Still think we should buy STG around 1.5850

This is a brief update. I acknowledge it is silly to project the pattern that the market will trace. If I were to do some wishful thinking, then it will be an ending diagonal triangle like what is shown on the chart. Take care. Ramki

Next dip in Sterling is a buy!

The sharp sell-off in GBP/USD this morning was on the back of comments from Bank of England Governor Mr. Mervyn King that the UK was probably entering recession for the first time in 16 years. The high for Sterling yesterday 21 Oct was 1.7198. The low today (so far)...