Elliott Wave Analysis can be applied on any well traded market, and that includes the Karachi Stock Index. There are two main indices in Pakistan. One is the KSE30, which I believe comprises of the leading shares. The broader KSE100 index is defined by Wikipedia as follows: Karachi Stock Exchange 100 Index (KSE-100 Index) is a stock index acting as a benchmark to compare prices on the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) over a period. In determining representative compaines to compute the index on, companies with the highest market capitalization are selected. However, to ensure full market representation, the company with the highest market capitalization from each sector is also included.
In today’s Elliott Wave update, I am presenting you with the analysis of the KSE100 index. As always, a picture is worth a thousand words. Pertinent Elliott wave comments and wave counts are given on the Elliott Wave chart itself. Remember an important lesson that I have oft repeated in these posts, as well as in my replies to many comments., any analysis is the first step towards making sensible trading decisions. Before you actually risk real money in the markets, you should wait for the right kind of set up that increases the odds for your success significantly. Elliott Waves give you the tools to do that. All the best.