Ending Diagonal Trangle in S&P500 index

On 1st April, when the S&P500 index was at 797, I suggested that we will get  a move to just short of 850 but that will be about where the rally will fail. After reaching 845 on 2nd April, the market has been gently easing lower. The analysis done on 1st April...

Harmony in markets

One of the key take-aways from Elliott Wave Analysis is that there is an underlying harmony in the markets, even though it appears chaotic while the moves are happening. It requires some effort to determine where the likely pressure points are, and a lot of guts to...

NSEI has slight upside left

In the big picture, it is too soon to say that we have been freed by the bears. So use the current rally to get out of any longs near 3230. Either from 3230 or from 3275 I expect another wave of selling to take place in the NSEI. Here is your chart. Good luck!

Analysis of some Kuwaiti stocks

Many readers from Kuwait have expressed concern about the stock market there. The Government has promised a rescue of some sort, and traders are eagerly waiting for some State sponsored buying of stocks. Meanwhile, many blue chip stocks are continuing to decline, and...