USD/YEN is a sell on next recovery

Anyone who has traded the Yen knows that it is a different animal from the rest of the pack. But there is one undeniable fact about this currency, it is a trending currency. Once it sets off on a trend, it stays with that trend for a long time. I am not going to say...

Be ready to buy Citi on the next dip

The market gives some subtle clues to the alert investor of an impending bottom. One such clue is a diagonal triangle at the bottom of a fifth wave. Citi has come a long way from $40 where I had recommended you to sell. Now it is time to make a medium term investment....

A look at the bond markets

I was reading an interesting post by DR. Bret Steenbarger at on the above subject and decided to look up MUB. As everyone in this business knows, timing is the key to success, and since my own blog deals with how to trade (and...

Dubai’s main index still weak

Back in January 2008, Dubai’s main stock index, DFMGI, was at 6320. Last week it traded at a low of 2991, a loss of over 50%. Investors have been badly hit. After the regulators announced several concessions and guarantees, we saw a smart rebound that lasted exactly...

Raves and Reminiscences

“Sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart.” Washington Irving. I have added two new pages for my old friends in the market. (They are right at the top, next to the ‘About” page). Do...