WaveTimes is a Research Organization governed by Integrity.

In this page, our mission statement, ethics policy, verification and fact-checking standards in order to provide unbiased, conflict of interest -free new, analysis and insights are described.

Mission statement

As a Research Organization, our mission is to provide credible, transparent, inclusive and accurate financial and technical analysis with integrity.

WaveTimes strives to provide Original analysis, reports, reviews and insights on developments in mutual funds, stocks, foreign exchange and commodity investing, retirement and personal finance. We do so without conflict of interest and bias.

We focus on original Elliott Wave analysis. That is, all our articles are based only detailed analysis by its authors. All statements are primarily based on the experience and knowledge of its author, Ramki Ramakrishnan.

We will not publish any kind of paid articles, promotions or PR, satire or opinions without data. All opinions presented are the author’s own views and his personal interpretation of the markets.

Ethics policy

Conflict of Interest

WaveTimes will avoid conflict of interest in all form and manner. In situations where an opinion from a party with conflict of interest is sought, a clear disclaimer will be provided.
All WaveTimes authors and editors strive for fairness in their reporting. Fairness here refers to:

  • Ensuring important facts are not excluded
  • All relevant information and references are mentioned
  • No attempt will be made to mislead or deceive readers
  • Publish unbiased views on the financial instrument being examined


All “op-ed” stories will be clearly labelled as such. When the author has an opinion on the facts and analysis presented it shall be labelled as “authors take”.

Verification and fact-checking standards

Best effort will always be made to seek opinions from credible sources only. If it comes to our notice that the credibility of our sources is suspect. We shall immediately publish a correction or remove the article.

Ownership structure

WaveTimes is owned by Ramki Ramakrishnan and was founded in May 2008.

Corrections policy

Any story errors will be corrected as quickly as possible with an editor’s note explaining the error.

Policy on sources

At WaveTimes, we consider citing sources essential and this will be done where necessary. If a source wishes anonymity, we shall respect it but will only publish after verifying their credibility and expertise in the matter. Only factual evidence and expert opinion will be sourced.


WaveTimes will provide attribution as necessary through names, links or any other appropriate method.

Diversity Policy

WaveTimes values diversity. We are committed to equal opportunities and an inclusive environment. We do not discriminate any author/employee on the basis of ethnic origin, national origin, gender, race, color, religious beliefs, disability, sexual orientation or age.

Ways to contact WaveTimes

Letters to the editor or questions can be sent to Ramki [at] Wavetimes.com or can be posted to:

Letters to the Editor, WaveTimes, L-601, Mantri Espana, Kariyammana Agrahara, Bellandur, Bangalore 560103 INDIA

Letters selected by editors may appear online.

Telephone: +91 9790936097