You got to be alert to what is happening in the market in order to make money. When a company does something to unlock value, and the promoter also buys shares from the market, you take notice and do your analysis. My Elliott Wave book “Five Waves to Financial Freedom” teaches you the basics of Elliott Wave Analysis. (In case you dind’t know, the 10th anniversary edition with all-new examples is available now as both an ebook and a paperback in some markets) Then comes the more important step, the tactical decision making that will allow you to profit from your analysis. This is taught in my online Elliott Wave Course, “How to Profit from Elliott Waves“.
Mirza International Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing leather and leather footwear, and dealing in apparels. This company has been in the news recently. Here is some basic analysis. Remember, this is NOT investment advice! What follows is the Elliott Wave Analysis of Mirza International.
![Elliott wave analysis of Mirza International - Wave 2 was deep](
![Elliott wave analysis of Mirza International - Wave 3 was extended](
![Elliott wave analysis of Mirza International - Wave 4 was shallow](
![Elliott wave analysis of Mirza International - sub waves of wave 4](
![Elliott wave analysis of Mirza International - Potential for wave 5](
This is an educational blog dealing with the Elliott Wave approach, and not investment advice! I teach Elliott Wave analysis and share my knowledge with a world-wide audience. You need to make your decisions and know how to trade and invest.
Happy New Year!