Or suppose you are thinking of taking a large exposure on some stock, commodity or FX pair and you wish to check out if Elliott Waves offer some clues. You would love to hear an expert’s unbiased view, but you didn’t know whom to turn to. Now you have a choice. Imagine how much money you could save if you knew the critical levels and where we are in the Elliott Wave cycle.

My followers include money managers at globally reputed financial institutions and hedge funds. Some of their trading decisions can literally move the markets. After much thought, I’ve decided to take them up on their requests that I offer a personalized consulting service. Whether you are contemplating a new trade or you are worried about an existing position, you now have the opportunity to discuss that with me. It doesn’t matter which market your stock or commodity trades in. I can give you valuable insights that will help you handle your positions with confidence.

Essentially, when you engage me as your consultant, you will get a set of charts with my personalized comments on what the outlook is from an Elliott Wave point of view. You will see my rationale for the recommendations, which are also a great learning aid as you might like to attempt it yourself in future. The most important point is, I take your query very seriously, and often spend a few hours on the technical picture before sending you my final conclusions. My charges are not only for the analysis, but also for the time that it takes to arrive at the recommendations.

Your Consultant

Unlike other consulting services, there are no mystery consultants at WaveTimes. You will work one-on-one only with me, and benefit from my personal insights gained from the markets over 30 years.

Learn more about Ramki Ramakrishnan

My Approach

  • I will send you my Elliott Wave Analysis of a single instrument of your choice with comments on where I think we are in the big picture, and what is the most likely direction and extent of the immediate moves.
  • You will receive set of several charts with wave counts and how I would handle the trade if I were in your shoes.
  • Unlike the premium articles where I stay with you until we make some decent profits or get stopped out, this will be a one-time snapshot analysis. There won’t be any follow-up charts or comments.

Unless I am traveling, you should normally expect my analysis to be with you within 24 hours of your request.


USD 150 or Rs.10000 (i.e. two credits) for my personalized analysis

What you get is an opportunity to discuss your individual exposure with one of the leading experts on Elliott Waves who has a track record that can be verified. The chart pack will include

§  Actionable feedback

§  Learning outcomes highlighted

How do I sign-up?

Step 1: If you aren’t a member of our Exclusive Club,  sign up here.

Step 2: Once you have become a member, you will have to purchase at least 2 credits to cover the cost of the consultation. I usually recommend leaving at least 1 credit in the account because you will then be considered an active member, and will receive timely notifications of future ideas. Remember, any unused credits are refundable in full. You just have to email me.

Step 3. Thereafter, in order to ensure we are on the same page, send an email to wavetimes.member @ gmail.com with the following information:

§  Your membership number

§  How many years you have been a trader

§ The details of your exposure, including the ticker or symbol, its current price, and a brief note about what your main questions are about your exposure

Remember, a single trade can make a dramatic difference to your bottom line.

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